Benefits Sessions
Let us help you with your benefits applications
If you are unsure what benefits you might be eligible for, or if you need help filling out PIP, DLA, or Attendance Allowance forms, we can help. We offer face to face and telephone appointments at the Carers Centre in Doncaster.
Appointments are available on Mondays, please see below for dates. It is essential to book an appointment. If you would like to book please can you click on your preferred date below to check availability with our admin team. Further information about the benefits sessions can be found at the bottom of the page.

Further Information
Where are these sessions held?
The face to face appointments are held at Doncaster Carers Centre, 2 Regent Terrace, Doncaster, DN1 2EE
How long are these sessions?
These sessions are booked for 60 minutes ​
Is booking required for these sessions?
Yes booking is essential for these sessions, please click on the date you wish to book and send an e-mail to our admin team who will contact you to book a session.​​
Who are these sessions for?
These sessions are for autistic adults, adult carers and parent/carers
What is the cost of these sessions?
These sessions are free