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Aug/Sept  2024

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Student Paper Writing



Survey - Transition to Post 16 SEND Education

Doncaster Council are carrying out a survey of young people on their experiences of transition into Post 16 Education,  click below for more information and to have your say.

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Doncaster SENDIAS

Ever wondered what Doncaster SENDIAS is?  Well read on!  Doncaster SENDIAS provides confidential information, advice and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and their families.  Click below to find out more

Typing on the Computer



Education Health and Care Hub (Online platform)

The Doncaster EHC Hub is coming to Doncaster.  The EHC Hub is created by Idox and is an innovative digital platform supporting engagement, contributions, and collaboration on EHC assessments, plans and reviews. It offers complete transparency for families, professionals and education settings, truly transforming the way local authorities work with their partners.  The EHC Hub will enable parents/carers, professionals, schools and senco’s to apply for, update, manage and issue EHCP’s in Doncaster on a digital platform.  All parties will be able to see all aspects of the EHCP and contribute accordingly.  Currently Doncaster Council are in the process of setting up the EHC hub. This will be going live over the next few months. Online training for parents/carers representatives, schools and professionals is underway and parents will be informed of when to set up an account as part of the annual review process. Initially the EHC hub will be available for new EHCP requests, and the rollout of the annual reviews of EHCP will follow in stages. 

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Disability Benefits Increase

From April 2024 The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has confirmed that disability benefits will increase by 6.7%.  The rates will rise in line with the September consumer price index (CPI) inflation figure.  Increases can be seen in Disability Living Allowance, PIP and Attendance Allowance.  Further information on the increases can be found on the DWP website.  




World Autism Acceptance Week

2nd April 2024 – 8th April 2024 is World Autism Acceptance Week.  We are proud to support The National Autistic Society in their campaign to raise awareness for autism.  There will be updates and posts on the Doncaster Autism Service and Doncaster Parents Voice Facebook page all week.  To get involved and find out more, please visit the National Autistic Society website.

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Neurodiversity Celebration Week

18th - 24th March is Neurodiversity Celebration Week and Doncaster Parents Voice and Doncaster Autism Service are proud to support this event.  Neurodiversity Celebration week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences, whilst providing opportunities to recognise the many talents and advantages of being neurodivergent.  There are a number of online events running this week. All events are free of charge and open to all so please do sign up to as many events as you like.  For further information please see the Neurodiversity Celebration Week Website below.

Easter Egg Hunt



Easter Disco

Join us for our Easter Disco in partnership with DICE and the Ladder Group


This event is for SEND families and will be held at the Woodfield Social Club, Balby on Wednesday 3rd April 2024, 3.30pm - 5.30pm.  


For further details please click below for the Easter Disco poster.



Scoop of Ice Cream



Free School Meals for Disabled Children

Contact for Families with Disabled Children have produced a great PDF on free school meals and disabled children’s rights to them.  It details what the law says on children's rights to free school meals, how to ask for reasonable adjustments and links to template letters to help you advocate for your child’s right to free school meals.  Please click on the button below to access the Free School Meals PDF.  

Dad Lessons



Home Educators Group

We are looking at bringing together parents of children/young people with SEND who are currently being home educated.  

Estimated figures from the Department for Education states that in census data in autumn 2023/24, there were an estimated 92,000 children who were in elective home education.


Home Education is also known as Elective Home Education is often seen as a last resort for many parents. At Doncaster Parents Voice we recognise that home educator parents of children/young people with SEND are often overlooked and forgotten about, and that’s why we are creating a Home Educator Group in order for parents/carers to come together share best practices, what isn’t working and where children/young people with SEND are being let down. We need your voice to raise awareness of the issues that home educator parents face so we can take these concerns to leads in SEND education in Doncaster and look at solutions to improve SEND support for families.


If you would like to be involved in this group then please get in touch and contact us on 01302 637566 or e-mail and put EMILY in the subject box to register your interest. If you have already contacted us you do not need to contact us again, we will be in touch with you shortly.

Blood Pressure



Healthcare and You

As you may know we sit on a variety of boards and meetings all focused on SEND in Doncaster.  At the last Making a Difference Meeting Karl Bower, Designated Clinical Officer for SEND was in attendance explaining his role to parents.   These conversations with parents were taken to the Doncaster SEND Board meeting where it was discussed that some parents had identified gaps in provision but also didn't have good experiences with clinical/health appointments.  Karl and the SEND Board are keen to hear more on the difficulties that parents face when trying to access medical/health services for their children/young people with SEND.


In order to do this we need your stories and your feedback.  We need to know what isn't working for children/young people with SEND in Doncaster with regards to accessing health services?  What are the barriers you face?  Have you been refused, denied or been told that a service your child requires isn't available in Doncaster? What clinical services have been unable to deal with your child's needs?

These services could range from GP appointments, hospital appointments such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language etc and also mental health appointments with CAMHS.

Please can you send your feedback in an e-mail to us at and we will pass along your stories.  The information you provide will be anonymous and no names or e-mail addresses will be used.



Online Mental Health Support for Young People

Kooth is a new free safe and anonymous place for young people to find online support and counselling.  Kooth allows users to create a daily journal to track their emotions and feelings, there are mini activities to complete on subjects such as managing emotions and connecting with others, there are also live chat features, discussions boards and articles.  For further information on this platform please visit the Kooth website by clicking the button below:

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Online Mental Health Support for Young People

The Local Offer website where you can find out about services and support available for children and young people, from birth to 25 years, with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).  The site covers areas such as Early Years, Education and Learning, Health and Social Care, Activities and Leisure, Money & Transport, Preparing for Adulthood and more.  To see what help is available for children/young people with SEND and their families, please click the button below to access the Doncaster Local Offer website here

Elderly Patient In Wheelchair And Caregiver



Carers Leave Act – New rights as a carer

New changes for the The Carer's Leave Act which came into effect on the 6 April 2024 has opened up many more possibilities for carers who are employed.
The new changes are:


• The Carer's Leave Act covers employees in England, Wales and Scotland. 


• Employees are entitled to one week’s unpaid leave per year if providing or arranging care for someone with a long-term care need. 


• This leave can be taken flexibly (in half or full days) for planned and foreseen caring commitments.  


• It is available from the first day of employment. 


• It provides the same employment protections to employees as other forms of family-related leave, including protection from dismissal.  


For further information please see the Carers UK website by clicking the link below:

© 2016 Doncaster Parents Voice

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